CFA Havana Brown
Breed Council Website

Havana Brown Breed Council Information

The CFA Breed Councils were established in 1970 to serve as an advisory body on breed standards to the CFA Executive Board. Each of the breeds recognized by CFA for championship competition has its own Breed Council and Breed Council Secretary.

The CFA Breed Councils are comprised of individuals experienced in their chosen breed/division section, and who meet other eligibility requirements established by the CFA Executive Board. Each breed council channels opinions and suggestions from the individual breeder to the Board through the specific breed secretary and the breed standard is updated after receiving approval from the members of the breed council and the Board. From time to time, each breed council also updates its breed profile, a more informal introduction to the breed. Every 2 years an election is held by CFA and a Breed Council Secretary is elected to be the spokesperson for the Breed Council.

The role of the Breed Council includes:

To protect and maintain the integrity of the Havana Brown Breed Standard, based upon the ideals of the founders, while ensuring the welfare of the breed
•To present recommendations on allowable outcrosses.
•To present recommendations on rules for registration.
•To mentor new breeders and to educate and inform them about those aspects of the breed which are unique and which should be preserved.
•To collect and disseminate information on aspects of feline health which are pertinent to maintaining a high quality of life for the Havana Brown


The current Breed Council Secretary is Kathleen Hoos, who has worked with Havana Browns since 1999 when she rescued a breeding pair of Havanas. Kathi is a Registered Nurse with a MS in psychology. Breeding can utilize all of those skills and is a rewarding past time.

Along with her husband Bill, a retired optician, they own Blakewood Cattery ( The cattery has produced both Grand Champion and Regional Winners in the Havana Brown breed.

One of the aside jobs of the breed council secretary for Havana Browns is coordinating the Breed rescue. While the number of Havana Browns is small and our breeders all know each other, there can be cats that turn up at a shelter and need assistance. Our breed Council members are all willing to help should the need arise. Kathi can be reached at

The purpose of this website is to inform the public about the Havana Brown breed and the Havana Brown Breed Council. The site will provide a source of reference and historical material to the members of the Havana Brown Breed Council and others interested in the breed. It will showcase the accomplishments and achievements of the dedicated group of breeders who represent the Havana Brown within CFA.

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