CFA Havana Brown
Breed Council Website

Havana Brown Articles

  1. "The Havana Browns", by Dallas Sidlo, an account of the beginnings of the breed.
  2. "CFA Havana Brown Standard History", written by Norma Placchi
  3. "Inheritance of Coat Color and Coat Pattern in the Domestic Cat" written by Rosemonde S. Peltz, M.D.
  4. Kitten Tales, Poem and Ink Drawings, Yearbook, 1966
  5. "The Bir-Hav: Evidence of a Recessive Gene for White Feet", by Robert K. Maddock Jr., MD, Lynne Guinn, and Norma Placchi

No, "The Havana Brown Is Not A Cigar." This delightful print of what appears to be a Havana Brown smoking a cigar was found on a very old German calendar many years ago. The cigar-smoking cat was used as an eye-catching theme for the Havana Brown breed booth at the 2003 International Show in Houston, TX. It has also been used as the theme of several cat shows produced by the International Havana Brown Society, CFA's oldest Havana Brown breed club.

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All photographs Copyright © and all rights reserved by individual photographers.