CFA Havana Brown
Breed Council Website

Havana Brown Grand Champions
and Grand Premiers

2018-19 Grands

GC Xocol Calypso Coffee of Kaffee Katze
DOB: 02/04/2016
Sire: GC, BW, NW Xocol Rum Runner
Dam: GC, PR Xocol Coffee Kisses
Breeder: M.M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor
Owner: Susan L. Mueller-Bruce A. Mueller

GC, AW Xocol Damoiseau of Phos Hilaron
DOB: 06/02/2017
Sire: GC, BW, NW Xocol Rum Runner
Dam: CH Xocol Je Suis Charline
Breeder: M.M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor
Owner: Alicia K Herman

2017-18 Grands

GC, BWR Xocol Zaya of ComposerCat
DOB: 06/28/2016
Sire: GC, BW, NW Xocol Rum Runner
Dam: GC Havadoll Julia of Oberlin   
Breeder: M.M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor
Owner: LeAnn Rupy-William Rupy

GC, GP RW Xocol Cuba Libre of Fujicats
(see photo below in 2016-17 grands)
DOB: 02/04/2016
Sire: GC, BW, NW Xocol Rum Runner
Dam: GC Xocol Coffee Kisses
Breeder: M.M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor
Owner: Grigory Sorokin-Leigh Sorokin-M. Michelle Ducharme

GC Saphira Mmebutterfly of Havalot
DOB: 02/17/2017
Sire: GC, RW Phos Hilaron's Oberon of Havalot
Dam: CH Saphira Morgane
Breeder: Annie Desmarais
Owner: LeAnn Rupy-William Rupy

GP Xocol Willamina of Kaffee Katze
DOB: 06/02/2017
Sire: GC, BW, NW Xocol Rum Runner
Dam: CH Xocol Je Suis Charline
Breeder: M.M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor
Owner: Susan L. Mueller-Bruce A. Mueller

GC Xocol Ezequiel
DOB: 06/02/2017
Sire: GC, BW, NW Xocol Rum Runner
Dam: CH Xocol Je Suis Charline
Breeder: M.M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor
Owner: Jim Wuersch

2016-17 Grands

GC, RW Xocol Cuba Libre of Fujicats
DOB: 02/04/2016
Sire: GC, BW, NW Xocol Rum Runner
Dam: GC Xocol Coffee Kisses
Breeder: M.M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor
Owner: Grigory Sorokin-Leigh Sorokin-M. Michelle Ducharme

GC, RW Phos Hilaron's Oberon of Havalot
DOB: 02/24/2016
Sire: Havacat's Orion Bentley
Dam: GC Composercat Pachelbel
Breeder: Alicia K. Herman, Lessee
Owner: LeAnn Rupy-S. Di Giacomo

GC Havalot's Khaleesi
DOB: 08/01/2014
Sire: GC Composercat's Rossini
Dam: Composercat Shostakovich of Havalot
Breeder: E. Crescentini-S. Di Giocomo-L. Rupy
Owner: E. Crescentini-S. Di Giacomo

2015-16 Grands

GC, BW, RW Xocol Kiss Me Kate
DOB: 05/12/2015
Sire: CH Lee's Kokopelli of Blakewood, DM
Dam: GC, BW, RW Xocol Besame Mucho
Breeder: M.M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor
Owner: Francis A O'Connor-M Michelle Ducharme

GC Soesthill Gourmet Rye Cracker
DOB: 06/14/2014
Sire: GC, RW Soesthill The Irish Rover
Dam: Namekagon Firecracker of Soesthill
Breeder/Owner: D. Ray-Anne Edwards

GC Soesthill Great-Balls-of-Fire
DOB: 11/11/2014
Sire: GC, BW RW Soesthill Jerry Lee Lewis
Dam: Namekagon Firecracker of Soesthill
Breeder/Owner: D. Ray-Anne Edwards

GC Soesthill Dawn Breaks
DOB: 06/07/2013
Sire: GC, RW Soesthill It Just Comes Natural
Dam: Soesthill NBD's Lula Belle
Breeder/Owner: D. Ray-Anne Edwards

GC Xocol Mocha Jorie!
DOB: 02/22/2015
Sire: GC Xocol The Mink Panther
Dam: Xocol My Baby Don`t Care
Breeder/Owner: M.M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor

GC, BW, RW Soesthill Rory Murphy
DOB: 10/30/2014
Sire: GC, RW Soesthill The Irish Rover
Dam: GC Soesthill Marianne of Acadiacoons
Breeder/Owner: D. Ray-Anne Edwards

GC Xocol Ticket To Ride
DOB: 02/22/2015
Sire: GC Xocol The Mink Panther
Dam: Xocol My Baby Don`t Care
Breeder/Owner: M.M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor

GC Xocol Coffee Kisses
DOB: 06/03/2014
Sire: GC Xocol Coffee Dessert
Dam: GC, BW, RW Xocol Besame Mucho
Breeder/Owner: M.M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor

GC Havadoll Julia of Xocol
DOB: 08/05/2014
Sire: Oberlin Hudson Hawke
Dam: Isatys Fredric Scotto
Breeder/Owner: M.M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor

GC Xocol English Toffee Skies
DOB: 04/11/2014
Sire: GC Xocol Coffee Dessert
Dam: CH Acapella Satin Doll of Xocol, DM
Breeder/Owner: M.M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor

GC Xocol Through Coffee Eyes
DOB: 04/11/2014
Sire: GC Xocol Coffee Dessert
Dam: CH Acapella Satin Doll of Xocol, DM
Breeder/Owner: M.M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor

2014-15 Grands

GC Broghill Lady Heather
DOB: 08/05/2012
Sire: GC, PR Havacat Ruiri Liam of Broghill
Dam: CH Broghill Princess Kara
Breeder/Owner: Carolyn Hudy/ Ashley Anfinrud

GP, RW Blakewood Adi Brina of Ra'sAbi
DOB: 11/18/2008
Sire: Kitao's Phyllisophical Phyll 
Dam: GC Blakewood Osa Rosa
Breeder: Kathleen-William Hoos
Owner: Carol Babel

GP, RW Xocol Teddy Boy
DOB: 10/09/2013
Sire: GC, BW, NW Xocol Rum Runner 
Dam: CH Acapella Satin Doll of Xocol, DM
Breeder/Owner: M.M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor

GC, BW Xocol Sexie Sadie
DOB: 10/09/2013
Sire: GC, BW, NW Xocol Rum Runner 
Dam: CH Acapella Satin Doll of Xocol, DM
Breeder/Owner: M.M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor

GC PJKATS  Cinnamon Sticks of Blakewood
DOB: 05/30/2013
Sire: Soesthill Audie Murphy of PJKATS
Dam: CH Xocol Ganache of PJKATS
Breeder: Peg Kintner
Owner: Kathleen-William Hoos

GC Xocol Coffee Dessert
DOB: 02/18/2013
Sire: Namekagon Independence of Rapa Nui
Dam: GC Xocol Savoy Truffle
Breeder: M.M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor
Owner: M.M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor

2013-14 Grands

GC Xocol That Touch- of-Mink
DOB: 04/30/2013
Sire: GC, BW, NW Xocol Rum Runner
Dam: CH Acapella Satin Doll of Xocol, DM
Breeder: M.M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor
Owner: M.M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor

GC Xocol French Martini
DOB: 03/13/2013
Sire: GC, BW, NW Xocol Rum Runner
Dam: GC Xocol Amy Marie
Breeder: M.M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor
Owner: M.M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor

GP Pjkats Fireworks
DOB: 08/01/2012
Sire: SoestHill Audie Murphy of Pjkats
Dam: Namekagon Firecracker of Pjkats
Breeder: Peg Kintner
Owner: Peg Kintner

GC Soesthill Kathleen
DOB: 03-26-2013
Sire: CH Mia Bello Teagon of SoestHill
Dam: GC Soesthill A Little Less Talk
Breeder: D. R-Anne Edwards-Susan Beckham
Owner: D. Ray-Anne Edwards

GC Soesthill Marianne of Acadiacoons
DOB: 11-20-2011
Sire: GC Soesthill Marty Robbins
Dam: GC Soesthill Delia of Acadiacoons
Breeder: D. R-A. Edwards-J-N. Hitzeman
Owner: D. R-A. Edwards-J-N. Hitzeman

GP Composercat Kabalevsky
DOB: 09-21-2013
Sire: CH Lee's Kokopelli of Blakewood, DM
Dam: GC Havacat's My Green-Eyed Lady
Breeder: Karen-L. Rogers-Leann-Bill Rupy
Owner: Olivier Grin

GC Soesthill Country Bumpkin
DOB: 06-27-2012
Sire: GC, BW, RW Soesthill George Strait
Dam: GC Soesthill Delia of Acadiacoons
Breeder: D. R-A. Edwards-J-N. Hitzeman
Owner: D. R-A. Edwards-J-N. Hitzeman

GP Composercat Stravinsky Phoshilaron
DOB: 08-07-2012
Sire: CH Lee's Kokopelli of Blakewood , DM
Dam: GC Havacat's My Green-Eyed Lady
Breeder: Karen-L. Rogers-Leann-Bill Rupy
Owner: Alicia K. Herman

GC SoestHill Reba of Acadiacoons
DOB: 08-10-2011
Sire:GC, RW Dablues Duke Ellington of SoestHill
Dam: GC SoestHill Ramblin' Heart
Breeder: D. R-A. Edwards-J-N. Hitzeman
Owner: D. R-A. Edwards-J-N. Hitzeman

GC Xocol Besame Mucho
DOB: 09-15-2012
Sire: GC, RW Blakewood Puttin'ontheritz of Xocol
Dam:CH Acapella Satin Doll of Xocol, DM
Breeder: M. M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor
Owner: M. M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor

GC Havacat's Brown Breaux
Sire: GC Havacat's Bigelow Tea
Dam: Havacat's Welovetoplaybrownopoly
Breeder: Karen Rogers-Lowell Rogers
Owner: Karen-Lowell Rogers

GC Soesthill Tom T Hall
DOB: 11-30-2011
Sire: GC, BW, RW SoestHill Musketeer Porthos
Dam: GC SoestHill A Little Less Talk
Breeder: D. Ray-Anne Edwards

GC Xocol The Mink Panther
DOB: 04/30/2013
Sire: GC, BW, NW Xocol Rum Runner
Dam: CH Acapella Satin Doll of Xocol, DM
Breeder: M.M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor
Owner: M.M. Ducharme-F. A. O'Connor

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